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RSS Channel: Comments on: 18 DIY Natural & Non-Toxic Cleaning Recipes For Your Home
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By: Tamara Mendez
In reply to <a href="https://onbetterliving.com/18-diy-natural-non-toxic-cleaning-recipes-for-your-home/#comment-4053">betterliving</a>. Yes I would love to share my experience with you!! :)

By: betterliving
In reply to <a href="https://onbetterliving.com/18-diy-natural-non-toxic-cleaning-recipes-for-your-home/#comment-4050">Tamara Mendez</a>. Its a great way to improve the health of your home and save $ in the process. Tamara, let us know if you try any of the cleaning recipes and what you think!

By: Tamara Mendez
Great cleaning receipts! I would like to make my own cleaning products and to reduce the usage of chemicals as much as possible. Best regards